Lies Inside Read online

Page 9

  Lucy almost jumped out of her skin when she saw her father’s number on the caller ID.

  “He needs you.”

  “I’ll be there soon.”

  Lucy made it to Finn’s house in record time. She ran up to his room, past her father, past Murphy, and past the FBI agents. He wasn’t on the window seat. Lucy noticed the open bathroom door and heard running water.

  Lucy walked into the bathroom. “Finn?”

  He was in the shower, scrubbing at his skin. Lucy pulled back the curtain. She saw the blood oozing from his hand and the skin on his forearm looked raw.

  “I can’t get it clean.”

  Lucy didn’t care that she was fully clothed. She stepped into the shower and pulled him into her arms. She knew Viktor had been there. It was the only possible explanation.

  She tried to clean his hand, but he winched with pain. “I promise, I’ll be gentle.”

  He gave Lucy his hand, and she held it under the water. She let the warm water run through the cuts until the water ran clear. He placed his good hand on her cheek before bringing it around her neck and pulling her close for a kiss. He pulled her into his arms as she wrapped hers around his bare torso.

  Wait, he’s naked, kissing me in his shower, Lucy thought to herself. She could feel him tugging at the hem of her t-shirt, wanting her to pull it up over her head.

  “Finn.” She pulled back. “We can’t.”

  “I don’t want to. I need to feel you, all of you.”

  Lucy could not deny him anything, especially now.

  “My clothes are all wet.” Lucy stepped out of the shower, examining what they had tossed on the floor.

  Finn let his eyes rake over every inch of her skin, appreciating it fully for the first time. Every drop of water glistened off her warmed flesh. He watched as a single drop ran off the back of her shoulder and fell to the floor.

  “Finn?” She pulled him out of his daze.

  “Sorry.” Finn stepped out as she handed him a towel.

  “Don’t be sorry.” She turned back to him after she wrapped her towel around herself. She helped Finn wrap his towel around his waist. “I don’t think your parents would appreciate me walking around in a towel.”

  “I don’t mind.” Finn drew her into his arms. He placed his hand on her cheek. She held his hand and kissed each cut knuckle.

  “Not that I wouldn’t want to spend eternity lying around naked with you, but there are a few people that might miss us.” She wiped the water dripping from his forehead. Finn placed a soft grateful kiss on her lips.

  “Think I should get you some clothes from Rylan?”

  She nodded. Finn grabbed a robe from behind the door and slipped it across her shoulders. They went out into the bedroom where he put on some clothes.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” He kissed her again as she sat down on the bed.

  Finn made his way to Rylan’s room. He knocked softly.

  “Come in.”


  “Hey,” she answered and gave him a soft hug.

  “Is this how it’s going to be from now on, Ry? You hugging me every time I walk in a room?”

  “Yes, so get used to it.” She held him tighter.

  “I need some clothes for Lucy. Hers got a little, um…wet.” She pulled back from Finn with an accusatory glare. “She was helping me clean up.” He waved his hand in front of Rylan, who noticed for the first time that it was clean but incredibly swollen.

  “Hell, Finn. What did you do?” She took his hand in hers.

  “Got in a fight with a wall. The wall won, I guess.”

  “I see.”

  “I really came for the clothes for Lucy. We can talk about the rest in the morning.”

  “Sure.” She went to her dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and black pants. “I think this should work.”

  “Thanks. I guess she’ll need something to get home in.” The thought of her leaving again was tearing him up inside. He didn’t know if he could bear having her so far away from him after all that had happened.

  “She’s not going anywhere. If Mom and Dad won’t let her stay with you, she’ll stay in here with me. It’s only right; we’re almost sisters, you know.” She smiled as she handed him the clothes.

  “I heard about that. She’s marrying your brother or something.” Finn smirked at the thought.

  “You bet your ass she is. Don’t you dare back out of this now. Lucy and I have been like sisters forever. Don’t you even think of taking this away from me.”

  “Sure, Ry. Because it’s all about you.”

  She smacked him on the arm. “Damn right. At least one good thing came out of today.”

  “Really? What’s that?”

  “Lucy found some beautiful dresses. So…is it going to be a June wedding or something more fall-like?”

  Finn smiled when he remembered August fourth. “Maybe a little bit sooner than next June. We’ll have to wait and see.” He kissed her on the forehead before walking to the door.

  “Spring, summer, fall, doesn’t matter to me, just as long as I get my sister out of the deal.”

  Finn turned back to see the soft smile on her face. “You take care of the getting Lucy there. I’m sure the rest will figure itself out.” Finn opened the door and left to find his fiancée.

  Finn got back to his room, locking the door behind him. Lucy was curled up on her side under the covers seemingly asleep. Finn slipped off his jeans. Wearing only his boxers and t-shirt, he spooned with her in his bed.

  “You’ve been gone too long,” she murmured with a yawn.

  “I was just talking with Rylan. She wants to know when the wedding will be. I told her it might be sooner rather than later.” He kissed her ear as he rested his cheek against hers.

  “I’m kind of getting excited. I did find some beautiful dresses.”

  “I don’t care what you wear as long as you promise to be mine.”

  “I already am.”

  They fell asleep and, to Finn’s surprise, didn’t wake up until morning. Finn slept a little more peacefully than he had on the bathroom floor the night before. Lucy would let out a soft moan now and then that made him just pull her closer.

  He kissed her neck, causing her to stir a little. “Time to wake up. We’ve been in here all night.”

  Her eyes slowly flickered opened. “All night?” She yawned as she turned over to face him.

  “Yep, guess you didn’t need Rylan’s clothes after all. Yours are probably dry by now.”

  “No, I’ll wear hers today. I don’t want to go home yet.” She got up out of bed and slipped the robe off, leaving her body exposed to her fiancée.

  Finn loved that she wasn’t shy about being naked in front of him. There were no barriers between them, not even clothes. He couldn’t believe all his life he had been waiting for that kind of connection. Before Lucy had seen all of him, he felt dirty without any clothes on. He was always trying to hide in his own skin, ashamed of how he’d been touched. Now that Lucy had touched and caressed his deepest layers, all the shame melted away. She made him see how beautiful his body was.

  “We should get something to eat and check on Aiden. I’m sure he’s wondering where we are.”

  He just stared as she pulled a t-shirt over her head.

  “Are you ever getting out of bed?”

  “One thing first.” He patted his finger on his lips.

  She sauntered over to him. She put her lips up to his, but before they touched, she moved to his ear and whispered, “Just one?” She kissed and sucked on his earlobe before dropping to his jaw and kissing across the unshaven line there. She came to his chin and then back to his lips.

  “A couple might be okay.”

  Lucy smiled before placing one, two, then three soft warm kisses on his lips.

  “Any more and I might want to crawl back in there with you.” She pulled him out of bed and grabbed his jeans from off the floor. “Here.” She threw them at him.

ey heard a knock at the door as Finn buttoned his jeans. Hand in hand, they walked over and opened the door.

  “I was going to say come down when you’re ready, but I guess you guys were on your way.” Jack stood in the doorway, looking a little surprised.

  “Is everything okay, Jack?” He was staring at Lucy.

  “Yeah, Dad’s already here. He wants to talk to you guys.”

  They walked out the door and started down the stairs. “Why didn’t anyone come wake us up last night?” Finn thought for sure his parents would make Lucy leave.

  “I guess your parents peeked in on the two of you. They said you were sleeping so peacefully, they didn’t want to bother you.”

  As the three of them entered the kitchen, Jack immediately went to Rylan’s side at the table, practically gluing himself to her. Murphy and Claire were busy making some breakfast while Lane and Aiden sat at the table with Jack and Rylan.

  “You two must be starving. You slept for hours.” Claire was fixing each of them a plate when Finn looked at the clock to see it was almost eleven.

  “We were exhausted. We really needed the rest.”

  Claire handed them their plates, and they sat down at the huge kitchen table.

  Lane was eyeing both of them from across the table. “Don’t think that will be going on every night. I let it slide last night because when we checked on the two of you, you were already asleep.”

  “Dad, we’re engaged, remember? Plus, Finn and I have waited long enough to be together, I think we can wait until we’re married for that. We sleep better together, just like when we were kids.” Whenever Lucy slept over at the O’Malley’s, somehow all of them would end up sleeping on the floor together. Lucy was always between Rylan and Finn. Well, a little closer to Finn.

  “She’s right. I don’t think I’ve slept all night without a nightmare in years.” That wasn’t true. The night sleeping on the bathroom floor had been the first nightmare free night for Finn. He was hoping Lane could see what he meant. Finn knew he couldn’t stand a single night away from her.

  “Fine. We’ll work something out even if I have to sleep with one eye open watching you.” The table erupted in a round of laughter.

  Finn stole a glance at Lucy as she scooped some scrambled eggs on her fork and slipped it in her mouth.

  “What was it wo—wor wonting to tell us dod?” Lucy was even charming when she talked with her mouth full.

  “Well, I got a call telling me a federal prosecutor had taken the evidence and is presenting it in front of a judge this afternoon. Hopefully it won’t be long until we hear something.”

  “Good.” Finn didn’t feel happy about the news. Regardless of whether or not Viktor was punished, it would never change what he had done. Finn knew he would always carry those moments with him. At least there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

  “Why don’t you kids go out and do something fun today. You really need a break.” Claire was doing that thing where she ran her fingers lovingly through Finn’s hair. It was always a comfort to him.

  “We could go up to the lake. Hang out on the beach and have a barbecue.” Everyone agreed with Jack’s suggestion, maybe not enthusiastically, but they all agreed.

  They packed up the cars and left, making a stop at the Butler’s for Lucy and Jack to grab some things. Then one more stop, just for Aiden.

  Finn thought it very strange watching Aiden be a total gentleman. He walked up to Melanie’s door and even shook her father’s hand when he answered. A few minutes later, he and Melanie emerged hand in hand. He helped her into the car before they drove down to the lake.

  The water was still cool with it only being the end of May. Finn and Lucy enjoyed just sitting in each other’s arms. Occasionally, Aiden would bust out his guitar and make Melanie swoon. Then they’d disappear for awhile. Knowing Aiden as Finn did, he was sure Aiden was showing her a good time.

  “We need to make some plans, you know.”

  “For what?” Finn was wondering if Lucy was thinking about the wedding or just life in general.

  “For your birthday, silly. Have you forgotten?”

  “Almost.” Finn had been so focused on her turning eighteen, he hadn’t realized his birthday was just a few days away.

  “What do you want to do? You name it and we’ll do it.”

  “Just to spend it with you.”

  “That’s a given. Come on, think.”

  He racked his brain for some crazy, off the wall, birthday fantasy. Going out of town was pretty much out of the question right then. A big party wasn’t really his style, but maybe a small one. “How about all of us get together and have a party at the house. Aiden and I can jam. I’ll get Dad to bring out his saxophone. You girls can sing and dance. Just goof off and be totally stupid for a night. What do you think?”

  “Sounds interesting, but I’d like to pick out some of the music.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’d like you to play the songs you’ve played for me.”

  “Luce.” He shook his head.

  “I want everyone to hear how completely magnificent you are.”

  “We’ll have to just wait and see. My hand still might not be up to the task by then.” It was a difficult piece, and even though the swelling in his hand had gone down, Finn wasn’t sure that he’d be ready to play in just a few days.

  “Fine, I’ll let it slide…for now. I can’t wait to see Murphy with his sax. Bet he’s really good.”

  “Alright. Then it will have to be a small family party with lots of music.”

  “Sounds just right, if that’s what you want.”

  “That and plenty of these.” He leaned in and kissed her deeply. Her fingers snaked up and down his spine as his played with the ties of her bikini top hanging down her back.

  “Okay, Casanova. That’s enough.” Jack decided that they were getting a little too intense and thought it was his duty to break it up.

  “Fine, Jack, but next time I see you even touch Rylan, you’re getting payback.”

  “We’re thinking about starting a fire and camping out. You guys want to stay?”

  The idea of sleeping on the sand wasn’t very appealing to the two of them, and Finn’s hand was starting to hurt a little. He could use something for the pain. “Maybe another time. I think we’re going to head out.”

  “‘Kay, but I think the rest of us will stay.”

  Finn and Lucy said their goodbyes before driving home.

  “I wonder if my dad will like sleeping on the floor of your room.”

  “Guess he’ll have to get used to it. I don’t plan on sleeping another night without you.” Finn took her hand and kissed it before enclosing it in his and resting it on his thigh.

  “He and Jack can take turns, but Jack snores. Maybe Dad would be better.”

  “They should just let Rylan stay with us. It’d be like old times.”

  “Not like the bed isn’t big enough for ten people. I’m sure we could squeeze her in.”

  Finn laughed and took a big breath. His nostrils filled with a strange scent and he recoiled. “What is that smell?”

  Lucy sniffed at the air and wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know. Is something wrong with the car? Maybe you better pull o…ov…er.” Her voice waivered before fading out.

  Finn saw Lucy slumped over in her seat. “Luce?” He squeezed her hand, trying to get a response. He pulled the car over to the side of the road and shut it off. He tried to lift his arm to check to see if she was okay, but it was too heavy.

  “L—Lu—Luce.” The word came out of his mouth uneven and thick, like everything was in slow motion. He tried to keep his eyes open, but they were so heavy. He closed them and slumped back in his seat.

  Finn heard the sound of a car coming up behind them and stopping. His mind swam with the hope that their friends had decided to go home. He heard two doors slam and the sound of footsteps coming toward the car. His hopes were dashed as he realized the muffled voices were not those
of his friends. He tried to open his mouth and speak, ask what was going on and who they were, but his jaw wouldn’t move. He heard Lucy’s door open, the click of her seat belt, and the creak of her seat. Silence. He tried to scream, cry out for her, but his body didn’t respond.

  A million things ran through his mind all at once, but they all converged to form one coherent thought. Get Lucy! The terror that rapidly engulfed his mind made him realize he would have to fight with every bit of strength he had to do just that.

  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the footsteps returned and a crisp chill entered the car as someone opened his door. He felt the release of his seat belt when a body reached across him. His nostrils took in the slightly musky scent of a cologne he would know anywhere. Panic and terror surged throughout his entire body. His mind screamed to react, do something, anything, but nothing happened. He was defenseless, numb while his head lolled against the headrest.

  “Get his feet,” a male voice whispered.

  He felt two hands grab his legs and lift them out of the car. One set of arms carried his feet and another set gripped under his arms. He tried to hold on, tried to listen to everything around him, but he couldn’t fight the darkness. He slipped into a deep tunnel, not even a thought of Lucy comforted him. Unfortunately, it was a very familiar feeling.

  Finn heard the music before he knew where it was coming from. The sickeningly sweet lullaby pulled him out of the nothingness. His eyes slowly opened and he squinted as a dark ceiling came into focus.

  He tried sitting up, but his body felt as if a boulder were pressed on his chest holding him in place. He could just barely turn his head toward the only light in the room. The flickering glow and music seemed to be coming from a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. The pounding in his head worsened as he tried to focus on the screen. Slowly, the images cleared.

  The first one was a picture of Lucy and him. It was the night of Prom, and they were walking from his house, getting into his car. There were pictures of the two of them in the school parking lot, and to his embarrassment, some were taken through the window of his room. There were even pictures of them sitting around the fire on the beach on spring break. Before he turned away, he saw a picture of himself sitting on his front porch, holding a letter, and another picture of Lucy crying with that same letter in her hands.