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Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) Page 8

  Emma held back a laugh. “You can speculate all you want Garrett, but the only person who can tell you what he was feeling is Bobby Breyer.”

  “Can you score me an interview?”

  Emma let the laugh go. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “An inside source said you, Aaron Russell, and Bobby Breyer disappeared from the cameras for over ten minutes for a private pow-wow. Any comment on what needed to be discussed off camera?”

  Emma blushed as she thought of those ten minutes and her first kiss with Rob. Then she remembered their second kiss on the plane and how she was ready for a third, fourth, and fifth as soon as possible.


  “Yes, sorry. Mr. Russell wanted to discuss a few details in private with Mr. Breyer. I wanted to make sure both of us would get on the same page. After the events later in the evening, you can assume we are nowhere close to an agreement about the future of the IWA.”

  “But he won his tag team match. He and Chance move on to the semi-finals. Shouldn’t he be happy?”

  Emma remembered how she had decided to answer the question when she and Aaron had gone through a barrage of possible inquiries the weekend before.

  “I believe Mr. Breyer won’t be content with only one win. Now he will be able to show the IWA fans he is a team player as well as a leader.”

  “One last question.”

  “Only one?” Emma quipped.

  “The last look between you and Breyer is being analyzed frame by frame all over the internet. Fans are saying there is some definite sexual tension between the two of you. Care to comment?”

  Damn, she thought she let the mask slip a bit in those last moments. Obviously, Aaron’s power couple idea wasn’t going to be hard to sell.

  “Tension, yes. Sexual, no,” she answered in a confident tone.

  “Oh, come on, Emma. We’ve been watching both of you for years and neither of you has ever seemed so sexually frustrated.”

  “I’m sorry, but from my side of the fence, it was a little bit of joy. I was right. Breyer is a hell of a wrestler, but together with Robicheaux, they would be unstoppable.”


  “Nope, sorry. I have things to do and people to see in Buffalo today.”

  “Good luck on your first official full day, Miss MacLean. I will be talking to you soon.”

  They wrapped up the interview and Emma ended the call. She turned to see her ever-present camera crew and realized stripping and jumping back in bed wasn’t an option. Buffalo awaited her and she couldn’t afford to disappoint.

  “It’s your show. Go get ‘em,” Aaron encouraged Emma.

  She gathered what courage she had built while she visited with her new co-workers throughout her first day with the IWA. Time for her to lead her first pre-show meeting. The understatement of the evening was her frazzled nerves, but she had a job to do and she was going to do it.

  “Good evening, everyone.” She cleared her throat while the room quieted. “I got a chance to talk to most of you today one on one. Thank you all for being so welcoming.”

  “Sharp was a right prat!” Barry Hanson, the British Baller, called from the back of the room. A loud round of applause and hollers followed.

  “My dealings with Mr. Sharp lead me to agree with your assessment, Mr. Hanson.” Emma curled her lips into a crooked smirk. “I hope if I ever leave the company, I won’t be accused of being a right prat.”

  She glanced over to see Aaron smile before her gaze landed on Rob. His arms crossed over his chest and he was as handsome as ever, especially with that grin on his face.

  “You’ve all been informed of the card for tonight. I’m so thankful you’re all on board with the direction we are taking. We want the fans to get a terrific show, but I want you all to enjoy a healthy competition. The complaints I heard about my predecessor was about the way he intended the direction of each match was too predictable and stale. We’re going to shake things up, rock this company’s foundation, and let you all leave your mark. Now, get out there and do your best.”

  Emma turned to find Aaron’s arms outstretched for a hug. The gesture should have felt weird, but he was such an old friend, it just wasn’t.

  “You’re amazing. I haven’t been this excited for a long time. Well, except last night of course.”

  The Internet had been all a buzz since the big reveal the evening before. If she thought her picture was everywhere before, she was certainly mistaken now. Kelly had calls come in from NBC, ABC, Fox, CBS, Bravo, CNN, and the BBC. All wanted the interview she had given Garrett Green, who was over the moon since he scooped them all. There were talks to hire her own media assistant to handle all her agent and Kelly were unable to keep up with. Someone based in the office full time sounded like a fabulous idea since Kelly would travel with her most of the time.

  “I’m glad I’m helping. This is only the beginning. I have major plans for your company, Mr. Russell.”

  “And, that’s why I hired you.”

  Cherry ran up to the two of them and gave Emma a quick hug. “You were fantastic! Barry hasn’t spoken in a meeting for three years. He never has more than a few words to say. God, his accent is sexy.”

  Emma tipped her head back and laughed. The adrenaline along with the new friendships she created had her riding a high she had never experienced before.

  “I won’t stand in your way,” Aaron announced. “He’s a big puppy dog.” He patted Cherry on the back and walked over to talk with some of the trainers.

  “Oh, wow. I can’t believe he said that.” Cherry shook her head with embarrassment.

  “You know they say it’s always the quiet ones who are so good in …” Emma winked.

  Cherry laughed and retorted, “You must be a wild cat then?” She lifted her eyebrow in question.

  “I’ve no complaints.” She tried to sound confident, but heat flooded her cheeks confirming otherwise.

  “None from him?” Cherry nodded to Rob.

  “Oh, no. We’re not … We haven’t …” Emma stopped before she dug herself any deeper in front of the cameras.

  “Only a matter of time.” Cherry smacked Emma on the butt.

  Emma tried to act shocked, but a giggle escaped, breaking her facade. One more glance at Rob and she was certain. They were going to happen and she had a feeling her wild cat would come out like never before.

  Rob, Cherry, and Cosmo were seated at a table in the ring at their Buffalo event. Rob had the microphone and addressed the crowd.

  “You see here before you three of our semi-finalists. Some of you recently reached out to us with questions about the future. The three of us decided what better way to answer these questions than to ask our new GM, right here, right now.” The crowd roared at the prospect of Emma being questioned. “Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for our new General Manager, Miss Emma MacLean!”

  Emma’s intro music and video began to play as she appeared at the top of the ramp. Rob was supposed to control his reaction, but she was so tempting, it was hard to keep the desire off his face.

  Cosmo, the six foot nine, four hundred and twenty pound heavyweight semi-finalist, helped Emma through the ropes and handed her a microphone.

  “Thank you to those who welcomed me to the IWA. I appreciate all your support and can’t wait to answer some of your questions.” Emma stood while the three wrestlers stayed seated. “Why don’t you start, Cosmo?”

  “Miss Emma, Michael from Vermont wants asks how your experience in the board room qualifies you for this job in the ring.”

  Rob sensed she was nervous, but she pulled herself together with what seemed a well thought out answer.

  “When Mr. Russell offered me this position, I thought the same thing. What did I have to offer the IWA? When I read over the job description and talked with Mr. Russell, I began to understand why he wanted me for this company. Many of you might think I’m only standing here because of my association with Terrance Hunt. Yes, I did meet Mr. Russell
through him, but my love and appreciation for this company began long before our first meeting.”

  Emma dipped her head and pushed her hair behind her ear before she returned to her answer.

  “I remember watching Big Bobby Breyer fight Hank Fieldstone for the first heavyweight title when I was ten. I had been watching my brother wrestle for years and once I found out people made a living traveling all over the world doing something they love, I was hooked. I vowed right then and there to become a Bombshell Champion. Twenty years later, I’m no Bombshell, but I get to help men and women on their roads to glory.

  “So, I stand here today with all the knowledge I gathered over the years and place it at the IWA’s disposal. I want to take this company into a new age. There are so many exciting things now in development. Over the next year, things are going to change for the better and the IWA will be stronger than ever.”

  The crowd went wild. Their excitement was so contagious, Rob found himself wanting to question her on those developments. Instead, he shook his head with indifference to the crowd.

  Cherry spoke up with the next question. “Angela from Kansas City asks if you would ever get in the ring yourself? I know for a fact you have some mad skills, so?”

  Emma shook her head as telltale signs of a blush crept up on her cheeks. “I had fun the other day with Cherry and Peaches while they were showing me some of their holds, but I’m not sure if I would actually be able to compete on your level. We can spar sometime, but I don’t think I’m anywhere near event ready.”

  “Your brother seemed to think otherwise,” Cherry spoke up.

  Emma rolled her eyes as Rob held in the chuckle desperately fighting to get out.

  “My brother was one of the reasons I fell in love with this sport. I learned a lot from him and a few others. He would also like nothing more than to embarrass me. I have no doubt if he had the chance, he would push me into this ring. It doesn’t mean I’d be ready to fight.”

  The crowd began to chant Emma’s name, but when Rob stood with a microphone in hand, they quieted in an instant.

  “One last question, Miss MacLean.”

  “Yes, Mr. Breyer.”

  The way she said his name caused his heart rate to jolt more than the cross body slam he received in his match the night before. He was careful to keep his composure while he asked his question.

  “Jason from Dallas asks who your favorite wrestler is. Past or present, doesn’t matter.”

  Emma stared into his eyes. She understood he was challenging her. A small smile and a nod of acceptance brought the answer out of her.

  “So many men over the years. Ken Crusher, Salvo Bartolini, even Big Bobby Breyer could be a contender. The one person who comes to mind had the most drive, an insatiable desire to win at all cost, yet be man enough to accept when he has been defeated.” Emma turned to address the crowd. “Someone who held an IWA title for four hundred and eighty-nine days the first time and hundreds of days after during his nine title runs.”

  Rob’s blood ran cold. Only one man held the title nine different times. As the name came to the forefront of his mind, Emma spoke it aloud.

  “William J. Bell. The one and only, Washington Warrior.”

  Rob swallowed hard. This was not good. Bill Bell was his father’s biggest rival. While some of the wrestlers were friends off camera, Big Bobby and Bell were anything but. Emma declaring Bell as her favorite wrestler sent a message straight to his father. Even though he was supposed to be appalled by her choice, he was rather proud of her gutsy selection.

  “I will continue to answer questions throughout the week from fans, but you all came here tonight to see your own favorites in the ring. I think it’s time to give these people the show they paid for.” Emma smirked and handed Rob her microphone.

  Holy hell, Rob thought. Her mere presence had turned him on before. Now, she scorched him down to the marrow in his bones. She presented a side of herself, just like he did every time he stepped into the ring. His father be damned, he had fallen hard for another side of Emma MacLean.

  “Speak of the devil,” Rob muttered before answering his phone. “You catch the show, Dad?”

  “Who the hell does this Emma MacLean think she is? Is she calling me out? Because if she is, I will be there next Monday night.” Robert Senior huffed and puffed after his quick rant.

  “All part of the show. If you want me to talk to Aaron about you coming on next week, I can.” The idea was a disaster in the making, but Rob was sure he would calm down if he met Emma.

  “You do that. It wasn’t like this in my day. Scripted and choreographed. Such a disgrace to the sport.”

  Rob shook his head as he continued to walk through the corridor of the arena. Things were different from when his father was the top man. His rivalry with William J. Bell was real, down to the broken bones and bloodied lips. Watching the two men was like art. What they had was unadulterated hatred, which was expressed every time they were within feet of each other.

  “Dad, things are different now. It’s still spontaneous, but we plan for certain outcomes for the safety of the wrestlers.”

  “Right.” His father wasn’t convinced.

  “I’ll talk to Aaron and Emma and call you in the morning.”

  “Fine. Chicago on Monday, right?”

  “Yes. On to St. Louis Tuesday.”

  Rob saw Emma with her assistant and found the perfect opportunity to interrupt. “I’ve gotta go, Dad. Talk to you tomorrow.” He hung up before Robert Senior spoke another word.

  “Can I get a moment, Miss MacLean?”

  Emma’s head popped up at his question. She froze for a fraction of a second before she glanced at the cameras then back to him.

  “It’s fine.”

  “All right. What can I help you with, Mr. Breyer.” She folded her arms beneath her breast.

  “You’ve gone and stirred up a whole lot of trouble with your answer to my question tonight.”

  Emma raised her eyebrows before she adjusted her glasses. “I suppose you are going tell me what kind of trouble I’m in.”

  “My father seems to think you issued him a challenge. He is prepared to be in Chicago on Monday night.”

  Emma’s arms fell limp to her sides and the color drained from her face.

  “Should I—” She cleared her throat. “Should I get my gear ready? Cherry seems to think I could do well in the ring.”

  Rob lifted the corner of his mouth while he tried to swallow his laughter. She seemed nervous about meeting his father again, but she was still trying to make a joke.

  “I don’t think things will go that far, but I will say I wouldn’t mind seeing you in the ring. I’d take a tumble with you, show you some moves.”

  Emma relaxed at his attempt at humor. “I’m sure you would.” She shook her head and the color returned to her cheeks. “I think having your father in Chicago is a fantastic idea. Kelly can arrange flight and accommodations. Would your mother be coming as well?”

  “Yes, I would think so.”

  “I’ll make the call personally in the morning. See you back in Boston.”

  Rob nodded and walked further down the corridor, wondering how exactly he would introduce Emma to his mother.

  As the plane taxied at Logan International Airport in Boston the following morning, the captain gave the go-ahead to turn back on electronic devices. Emma grabbed her cell phone and dialed the number she needed, hoping the conversation would be somewhat civilized.

  “Hello?” a soft, but firm voice answered.

  “This is Emma MacLean. Can I speak with Robert Breyer, please?”

  “Miss MacLean,” the woman answered back with enthusiasm. “He’s not in. I’m Lisa Breyer, Big Bobby’s wife.”

  “So wonderful to talk to you, Mrs. Breyer.”

  “Surprising to hear after the conversation you had with my son last night.”

  Emma’s voice caught in her throat.

  How do I respond to that?

Oh, hon, I understand how things are. I was a wrestler’s wife and manager for way too many years. I’m sure you meant nothing by it. But Big Bobby does take things a bit personal.”

  “Your husband is one of the reasons I called. I wondered if Big Bobby, and you of course, would be willing to come out to Chicago next Monday for the show. I’m not so sure I want to square off with Big Bobby, but the guys think I can handle him.”

  Lisa laughed at the comment. “I’m sure you can. If Big Bobby could be half as charmed as my son seems to be, I think you’ll be all right.”

  “Charmed?” Emma got caught in the moment. Had Rob told his mother about her? What did she think of her son and his new boss?

  “Oh, Emma. My boy was crazy about you after one meeting.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” Being coy was her only idea of how to get information at the moment.

  “He came home after he met you in Boston. He was supposed to be with Big Bobby for three more weeks, but after he met you, things were different. He said meeting you was like finding the woman you never knew you needed and grieving when you lost her. It was a few months before he snapped back. When he saw you again at the regional finals, he got heartsick all over again.”

  “I never meant to cause him any pain. I was in a relationship both times I met him.” Rob was the one who got away, but she never realized he felt the same way about her.

  “You aren’t now.”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “And the way my boy looks at you now, is the same way he looked when he would talk about all the wonders of Emma MacLean. A mother recognizes those kinds of smiles. He’s fallen for you again and I don’t think he’s the only one.”

  Lisa had Emma pegged. She’d never even met the woman, but Lisa already had an insight into Emma’s soul.

  “You might be right,” Emma whispered. She shook her head a bit to rein in her thoughts. “About Monday. Do you think you’ll be able to come?”

  “We’ll be there, hon.”

  “Excellent. We’ll take care of your flight and accommodations. My assistant, Kelly Merchant, will give you a call with all the details.”

  “Can’t wait to meet you. Tell my boy to give his mother a call ever once in a while, will you?”