Lies Inside Read online

Page 3

Finn and Lucy turned their attention back to Rylan as Jack beamed with pride for his girl.

  “I missed so much.”

  “You’re here now.” Lucy gently squeezed his hand. “That’s all that matters now.”

  Finn instantly calmed at Lucy’s touch.

  The routine ended with screaming applause from the entire audience. Rylan jumped up and down before doing several handsprings off the stage.

  “Come on.” Jack pulled Lucy up by the hand, which caused her to jerk Finn up with them.

  They all ran down to the stage floor and off to the side where Rylan and the squad were celebrating their magnificent performance.

  Jack scooped Rylan up bridal style and twirled her around before setting her down.

  “I’m so proud of you. You guys rocked out there.” Jack swooped in for several kisses as Rylan giggled like a little girl.

  Her happiness began to rub off on both Finn and Lucy when they both lunged to hug her as soon as Jack released her.

  The three of them began laughing hysterically as they shared a three-way hug.

  “I’ve never seen you like that. You were amazing.” Finn pulled back and pinched Rylan’s cheek.

  “Thanks, little bro. There will be plenty more if we win this thing. It’s only fair that you be at every one since I sat through all those recitals.”

  The overhead speaker announced that all the squads needed to return to the stage. Rylan went off with the rest of the girls while Jack, Lucy, and Finn found a good spot to watch the ceremony.

  When Clarkstown High School North was announced as the winner, the crowd broke out in a roar.

  Jack grabbed Lucy and spun her around before passing her over to Finn.

  She held Finn tight as several things happened all at once. The scent of his tangy cologne lingered on his skin just beneath her nose as her face tucked into the nook of his neck. She inhaled and the intoxication hit her immediately. She pressed her lips to his jaw before gently swiping them across his lips.

  Once she realized what she had done, she pulled back to look into his eyes. Her hand went up to her face to cover the pink blush on her cheeks.

  “Don’t.” Finn took her hand away from her face.

  Finn took a deep breath before placing his hand on the back of Lucy’s neck. He brought his lips to hers in a passionate kiss.

  Every part of Lucy felt as if it were on fire. She never expected that kind of passion from Finn. Until his mouth met hers, he never thought he was capable of it. Their lips melted together. Their tongues tangling in perfect harmony. She wanted more, so much more. She felt her fingers running through his hair, pulling him closer. His hands were at the back of her waist pulling her hips closer to his. She could feel the burn travel lower inside of her becoming an ache between her thighs she had never experienced before. She knew he felt it too as something rather hard pressed against her.

  Finn slowed the intensity of their kiss but couldn’t bring himself to stop. He pecked her lips several times before kissing her forehead.

  “I know he’s my brother and all, but that…was hot.” Lucy turned to see Rylan fanning herself as she wrapped her arms around Jack’s waist.

  “Hey, she’s my sister.”

  That’s when Lucy decided to give her big brother a little payback. “That’s just a taste of what you’ve put me through for years.”

  Finn brought his finger to her chin. “I am willing to help you give him another taste.”


  “Yes, really.” He lifted her chin, his lips brushing against hers.

  They heard Jack clear his throat, loudly. Finn squeezed her hand while he stared into her eyes.

  “Um, yeah. I think Finn and I need to take off.” Lucy edged Finn toward the exit.

  “How am I supposed to get home?” Jack yelled over the sea of cheerleaders.

  “Rylan!” Finn and Lucy screamed at the same time before running out to jump into the Four.

  She remained quiet as she found her way back onto the highway, waiting for him to say something. He wiped his hands across his jeans and then gripped the edge of the seat between his fingers. He kept his head lowered in an attempt to compose himself.

  “I want you to know, I’ve…I’ve never done anything like that before. I’m sorry.”

  When he looked up, he saw her teeth tugging at that top lip of hers. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  He sighed in relief. “I just got really caught up in the moment and everything.”

  “Oh, was that all?” Disappointment echoed in her voice.

  “No, no. Shit. This isn’t coming out right.” He scratched at his forehead several times before he spoke again. “I wanted to do it. It’s just not how I would’ve planned it. I mean, not in front of everybody like that.”

  “You were planning on kissing me like that?” She eyed him while she continued to watch the road.

  “We’ll…I…I wanted to. It’s just…like I said, this is uncharted territory for me.”

  “Oh.” She looked over at him confused. “Wait. So, you’re telling me, you’ve never kissed a girl before?”

  “No, I’ve kissed a few random girls at school, just never like that—never with that much passion. I don’t think I’ve felt passion like that for anything except my music.”

  “Then, you’ve never had a girlfriend?”

  “Girls that were friends but not anyone I really dated.”

  “‘Kay.” She bit on the inside of her cheek as she tried to think and watch the road at the same time.

  “Really…I’m dying here. I’ve got to know what you’re thinking.” He smiled.

  “I’ve only ever dated Dave. Believe me, you are the first person to ever kiss me like that.”

  “Good.” He seemed terribly proud of himself.

  “So?” She looked to him for an answer to a question she hadn’t even asked.

  “So…you’re wondering what this means?”


  “I guess it means…now you have a real reason to turn down Dave every weekend.”

  “Because I’ll be spending my weekends with you?”

  “Weekends, days, nights, as long as you can stand the sight of me.”

  “I see.” She had made their way back to their neighborhood and pulled into his driveway. She turned in her seat to face him. “So, this makes you my…what?”

  He smiled and shook his head. “You enjoy watching me fumble through this, don’t you?”

  She brought her thumb and her index finger up in front of him, a whisper of space between them. “A little.”

  “Boyfriend, alright? I’ll be your boyfriend.”

  She placed both of her hands on his chest as she looked at him. “I think that’s a good idea. I don’t know how much longer I’d be able to hold back…I mean…” Lucy blushed.

  “Hold back, huh?” Finn teased, smiling at her discomfort. “Now, the tables have turned.”

  She tried to move her hands, but he kept them there. She sighed. “I mean, like today, with Dave. I thought it was kind of like you were telling people I was yours. Marking your territory. I know I have felt like ripping about a dozen girls’ hair out because of some of the looks they were giving you. I thought I would have to beat Misty down. The way she stares at you is…so wrong.”

  “How very predatory of you.” He nodded, still smiling. “Just so were clear, I’m your boyfriend, and you are my girlfriend.”

  “Yes, Finn. I’m all yours.” She slipped her hands around his neck as his mouth covered hers.

  “That little display tonight…it changed things, didn’t it?” Rylan asked as she and Lucy lounged on Lucy’s bed later that night.

  “We’ve came to a mutual decision. We think…that we might give this dating thing a try.”

  Rylan smiled softly as she cocked her head to the side. “You’ll be great for him, you know?”

  Lucy returned the smile. “I think he’s good for me too. I mean, with Dave, everything was ro
botic. Go to a game. Go to a party. No real substance. But just hanging out with Finn, listening to music or hearing him play, it’s more of a relationship than I ever had with Dave.” Lucy turned from her side to lie on her back. “This is one of those times I really wish my mom was still alive. I mean, when my dad saw Dave kiss me for the first time, he tried to have the sex talk with me. There was a banana and a condom. I wanted to bleach my brain for days.”

  “You know you have me, and you always have my mom if you have any questions.”

  Lucy shut her eyes and nodded. “I know and I appreciate it, but it’s not the same.” Lucy sniffled. “I just really miss her, and she’d be so happy that Finn and I are together. She’d be helping me shop for presents for him and maybe even a prom dress.”

  “I know there is really nothing I can say that can change how you feel, but I’m always going to be here for you no matter what. My mom loves you as if you were one of her own. You can talk to her.” Rylan snuggled up to Lucy’s side. “And maybe, just maybe we’ll be real sisters someday.”

  “We’ve only been dating like three hours. Give us at least a month before we pull out the wedding book.”

  Rylan jumped up off the bed and ran to Lucy’s bookcase. “Oh, my God. I almost forgot about the wedding book.” Rylan yanked a large book with papers and ribbons sticking out it from the shelf. She opened it to a page with a picture of a wedding dress pasted on it. “We were so goofy.”

  Lucy joined her on the floor as Rylan thumbed through the pages. “Yep, we still are if you recall.”

  “I know. It’s nice to be happy and now that Finn’s happy again, things are so much better.”

  “Yeah, but to make him happy I’ll have to spend a lot of time with him.” Lucy took the book from Rylan and placed it back on the shelf.

  “It’s alright. Now, I won’t feel so guilty leaving you guys alone while I go spend time with my Jackie-bear.”

  “Speaking of, I think he’s probably out of the shower now. You can stop pretending were having a slumber party.”

  “Thanks.” Rylan gave Lucy a hug before getting them both up off the floor. “I’ll pay you back someday,” she said with a wink before heading down the hall to Jack’s room.

  Finn woke from his horrific nightmare drenched in sweat. He raked his hand through his hair as he looked over at the clock. It was only one thirty. Lucy had just left him three hours ago, yet he felt he couldn’t wait another minute to have her in his arms again. It was the only thing that made the dreams, the memories fade away.

  He hurriedly got dressed and grabbed his phone.


  “Finn? Is everything alright?”

  “I need to see you. Can I come over?”

  “It’s the middle of the night. Jack will kill you.”

  “I’ll come in through the laundry room door like I used to. Please, Lucy. I need to see you.”

  “Alright. I’ll unlock it for you, but I can’t promise I’ll be awake when you get here.” He could hear a deep yawn on the other end of the line.

  “Thanks. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Finn grabbed his keys and his wallet before leaving the house. He ran the entire two blocks that separated their homes as fast as his legs could carry him.

  He went through Lucy’s back gate and around to the laundry room door. He opened the door then locked it behind him. He tiptoed down the hall and slipped into her room.

  Curled up in a ball under her covers, Lucy was fast asleep. The spot next to her on the full sized bed beckoned him.

  He slipped off his jacket and shoes then laid his phone, keys, and wallet on her nightstand. He pulled back the covers and slid into bed next to her.

  Her eyes fluttered as his fingertips caressed her cheek. “Hey.”


  “Did you just miss me, or did you have something else in mind?” Lucy brought her hand up to rub Finn’s stomach.


  “Of course.”

  “I had a nightmare. I don’t think I can sleep without you.”

  “Come here then.” Lucy rolled onto her side and scooted back into him. She grabbed his arm and slung it across her torso. “See. This is much better.”

  “Yes, much.”

  “I can’t…” Lucy yawned.

  “It’s okay. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Finn pressed into her as he nestled his nose across the back of her neck. Within a few minutes, he fell into a blissful sleep.

  Lucy and Finn woke when they heard the door fly open. They both sat straight up in bed as Jack stood, fuming with anger in the doorway, arms crossed on his chest.


  Lucy rubbed her eyes. “What do you want to know?”

  “Why I shouldn’t take him out back and kick the shit out of him right now,” Jack said through gritted teeth.

  Finn shook his head and lay back against the wall as Lucy brought her pillow into her lap.

  “First of all, if you haven’t noticed, we are both fully clothed.” Jack nodded so Lucy went on. “Second, I had a nightmare and couldn’t sleep. Finn was nice enough to come over and help me.”

  “You could have just come and got me. I’m only down the hall.” Jack was looking a little more sympathetic as he sat down on the foot of the bed.

  “I could hear you were busy. I don’t want to hear you judging me or threatening my boyfriend when you very well know who is lying in your bed right now.” Lucy lifted her eyebrows to make her point. Finn covered his mouth to prevent the laughter from escaping as he realized what was truly going on.

  “Let’s make a deal. I won’t tell Dad about your sleepovers with Rylan, and you don’t tell about Finn coming here last night or any night for that matter.”

  Jack’s face twisted, and Finn knew she had him. “Fine, but I don’t like it. Don’t let me catch you two going at it. I might not be as forgiving.”

  Jack opened the door to leave, and Lucy threw her pillow at him. “Hypocrite.”

  Jack shook his head as he closed the door.

  “So, that was a little weird.” Finn rubbed his temples as Lucy rolled her eyes. “How’d you know Rylan was in there?”

  “We had girl talk while he was in the shower last night. Even if we hadn’t talked, whenever Dad’s out of town, Rylan’s there. If I didn’t hear them, I’d get all the details from her anyway. We don’t keep stuff from each other.”

  “Isn’t that kind of strange, listening to your brother have sex?”

  “That’s what headphones are for.” She pointed to the mp3 player lying next to her alarm clock. “Are you still tired?”

  “A little. Why?”

  “I wouldn’t mind staying here awhile longer.”

  Finn lay back down, and Lucy cuddled up against his chest. “I can’t believe how good it feels just to sleep in your arms.” Lucy kissed his chest through his t-shirt.

  “I’m going to have to find something to replicate this feeling. I don’t think we’ll be spending all of our nights like this.”

  Lucy lifted her chin to rest on his chest. “We’ll figure something out. Before we know it, we’ll be off to college. Oh, God. I never even asked. Are you going to take that scholarship to UCLA?”

  Finn shook his head vigorously. “No. California holds nothing for me anymore. I was thinking NYU. I’ve already submitted my application and an audition tape.”

  “Are you sure? You’re not doing this because I already got accepted?”

  “No, but it’s one of the reasons. I don’t want to be far away from home anymore. After last night, I don’t know if I can ever be that far away from you again.”

  She pressed her lips up against his. He ran his tongue across her bottom lip, and she let out a soft moan.

  “That was nice.” He smiled into her lips.

  “You have no idea.”

  The next few weeks were nothing less than glorious. Finn believed they were in that first stage of the relationshi
p—the stage he’d heard was always the best. Finn made it perfectly clear to any man who looked Lucy’s way that she was all his. Most of the time, he had her sitting in his lap at lunchtime. He had found a little spot behind her right ear that seemed to be her undoing.

  Before they knew it, Valentine’s Day had arrived. Finn had a special evening planned at his house. In the kitchen, everything was ready and waiting to go when Lucy rang the doorbell. He met her with one long-stemmed red rose. “For you, my dear.”

  She accepted it, bringing it to her nose to cover her sweet smile.

  He brought her into the kitchen to show her what he had in store for the evening.

  “Pizza?” Finn couldn’t tell if she was upset or just surprised.

  “What’s wrong with pizza?”

  “Nothing. Do I get to see you toss the dough in the air and everything?”

  “Of course.” Finn floured his hands and started kneading the dough. He flattened it and gave it his best shot, throwing it up in the air. Miraculously, he caught it each time.

  “Bravo. You might have a future in a pizzeria if you decide to give up music.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.”

  She helped him spread the sauce on the dough. Then they put all of their favorite toppings on before finishing it with about a pound of cheese.

  He shoved it in the oven. When he turned back, he saw a large envelope with a big red bow.

  “I thought we said no presents.”

  “Hey, you gave me the rose. Plus, it hardly cost anything, and it’s something you need.”

  Finn removed the bow and tied it around her wrist. He opened the envelope and pulled out what was hiding inside.

  “Lucy, it’s perfect,” he said, looking at the twenty or so pages of blank sheet music with his name scrolled across the bottom.

  “You’re always jotting notes down on whatever is around. I thought maybe this way you’d be a little more organized. I wasn’t sure how to make it so I looked it up on the internet. Then I drew it out myself and made copies. Is it okay?”

  “It is. I love it. Thank you.” He brought her over and took her in his arms, squeezing her tight. “I love you.” Oh, shit. Did I really say that? His mouth had betrayed him.

  She pulled back from him. He wasn’t sure what she was going to do. She looked shocked and overwhelmed. A little like maybe she was going to be sick. Then she took a deep breath and tipped her head up for a kiss. “I love you, too,” she whispered in between kisses.